Main Causes Of Car Accidents In Texas

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Texas is the leading state when it comes to the number of car accident casualties. Every year, there are thousands of car accidents in Texas. Nobody can really anticipate when and how an accident will occur. However, there are some causes of car accidents that are preventable or happen as a result of the driver’s behavior. So why do so many car accidents occur in Texas? Finding the root of the problem is the first step towards nipping it in the bud.


This is the prevalent cause of car accidents in Texas. Some drivers have even admitted to occasionally exceeding the speed regulations while on the road. Speeding actually limits the ability of the body to maneuver and significantly reduces the duration of time the driver has to respond when an emergency situation arises. While speeding, the driver will have zero to no chance of avoiding the collision. At high speeds, the vehicle generates more energy which is in turn released on impact. This will most likely lead to car and property structural damage, severe injuries to the occupants and other worse outcomes.

Distracted Driving

Simply not paying attention to the road can lead to fatalities. A driver can be distracted by just about anything: eating while driving, adjusting the playlist, using the phone to send and receive texts or even checking on their little one on the backseat. That one-second lapse in concentration is enough and can prove to be catastrophic. A study shows that the chances of an accident increase by 23 times if texting is involved. This is because it involves visual, cognitive and manual inattention that take the eyes, mind, and body from the primary task at hand. Distracted driving crashes can result in brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries and worse yet death!

Driving While Intoxicated

Any intoxicating substance ingested will automatically impair your judgment which is why it is even more dangerous for a driver to be behind the wheel in that sort of condition. Despite the several years invested in enforcement methods and education efforts, DUI accidents continue to wreak havoc on our Texas roads. It’s illegal to drive while under the influence but that has not deterred habitual drunk driving by some drivers who have never been caught. Any influence of drugs whether prescribed or illicit impairs the driver’s judgment all the same. The driver won’t be able to react in time or even make rational decisions moments before the crash.

Understanding the cause of the crashes will assist in avoiding common mistakes done on the roads. The state should position police at various intersections of the roads to save the lives of the people of Texas. Having law enforcement on the roads can really help bring sanity on our roads. It starts intrinsically with us, so while driving be mindful about the safety of others on the road. Accident victims have legal grounds to seek compensation for crashes that occur as a result of driver negligence. The driver at-fault is liable for their reckless behavior that may have resulted in injury or death. For more information, seek out a lawyer to guide you through your legal options.

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